بسم الله
الرحمن الرحيم
انشاء متوقع ان شاء الله 2016
ومميزات مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى
and cons of social media
No doubt that we live
in the age of open skies and everything is possible. Thanks to satellite, the
world has become a small village. The internet plays an important role in our
life. People use the internet for different purposes .Some use it to make chat
on the internet. There are many kinds of social media such as face book,
twitter and skypi .Any current events can be leaked as soon as they happen.
Some people use social media to destroy the country such as publishing false
news and rumors to mislead people especially those who are against the regime .
We should not believe
all news. On other hand social media is very important because we know the news
of our friends .In brief we can not go without this kind of media.
مصر تنفذ مشروعات لتحسين الاقتصاد
No one can deny that Egypt
has started a new era of development and carrying out new projects that may
change the future of it. One of these projects is the new Suez
canal project. This project will be parallel to the current canal.
It reached a length of 72 kilometres. This project will add an extra lane to Suez Canal .It will creates many job opportunists for the
next generations. It will attract the foreign and local investments. It will
increase the national income and brings in a lot of hard currency. It will
facilitate the movement of the ships and eliminate the delay of ships. It will
help to establish new cities and new communities. Many factories will be
constructed. So we must all co-operate to give a push to such projects and
ignore the pessimistic ideas.
Money is a means that
can be used well or badly, so I'd rather say that the love of money is the root
of all evil, not money itself. Because of money, people steal, kill and bribe.
Also, people may envy each other and hate each other. Not a day passes without
hearing about a bank robbery or a murder. The reason why such crimes are
committed is usually the desire to make a fortune without exerting great
efforts. Moreover, the wars that sweep the world are motivated by financial
reasons. Even the civil wars which take place between people within the same
country are based on financial affairs. In brief, we can say that although
having a fortune is a blessing from God, it can be a curse if we misuse it.
)اهمية المياة فى حياتنا
No body can deny the fact that water is the
main source of life. Without water, life on earth would have come to an end.
Man, animals and plants would have died. In fact, water is the main factor in
the development of countries both in agriculture, industry and all aspects of
life. Man can get water from rain, rivers, wells, seas and lakes. To increase
the supply of water, reservoirs and dams have been built to store water for the
time of need. As the consumption of water is increasing so rapidly, the world
may face a shortage in the quantity of water in the near future.
To solve this serious problem, the world should economize the consumption of
water especially in agriculture, industry and also in domestic use. In my view,
another solution is to have the water recycled to avoid wasting it. More dams
and reservoirs should be built. We can obtain water also by desalinating تحليه water from seas. Although
this is an expensive method, but we can rely on it if necessary.
و هذة
مقدمة تصلح مع اى موضوع ايجابى
No one can deny
that……………..is very important. No doubt that …………………plays a vital role in our
society. We must admit that ………………..is the backbone of our life. We can not go
without……………………..We must do our best to develop ……………..for the sake of our
country and for the next generation.
الموضوع السلبى يعنى الوحش الذى يضر و لا ينفع
No one can deny that
…………………………….is a big problem that faces our country …………………….has many bad
effects on all of us .It hinders the progress and creates many other problems.
We must know that the causes of this problem are…………………………….and …………………………..It
is our duty to work together to find solutions to this chornic problem.
المنزل و اسم الشارع
اسم الحى
الدولة لو الخطاب مرسل للخارج
9th June
It gives me
the greatest pleasure to write this letter for you. I hope that you are in a
With my best wishes
و اليكم كل الكلمات
الجديدة بالمنهج لازم ادخل الامتحان و انا عارفهم فى اختر و اوجد الخطأ و الترجمة
و الانشاء
admit -confess)
alike (adj) =identical
فقدان الذاكرة
طالب عمل
argue for
تعاملات بنكية
base (n)
be in charge of
مسئول عن
biography –autobiography
سيرة عن حياة الكاتب
bleach (v)
bully (v)
cable car
كابل السيارة
ورق مقوى
cause (v)
سى دى
شخص مشهور
civil servant
موظف مدنى
دراسة الادب اليويانى
زميل عمل
يرتكب جريمة
علامة بارزة
launch (n)
يطلق قمر صناعى
leak (n)
اسلب الحياة
mark (v)
massive 7
منتصف النهار
جزء من مقرر
مصيدة فئران
جريم قتل
object (v)
موضة قديمة
كتاب ذو غلاف ورقى
pipe (v)
يضخ فى انبوبة
كاتب مسرحى
position (n)
power station
محطة طاقة
process (n)
سقوط المطر
raise (v)
يتعرف على
يتعافى –يسترد صحتة
يعيد الصنع
Release (v)
يطلق غاز
متجددو غير متجدد
يعيد تدريب
ring (n)
routine (n)
عمل يومى ثابت
secret (adj)
secret agent
عميل سرى
side effect
اعراض جانبية
sight (n)
يمتص-ينقع فى الماء
spin (v)
يدور حول
spoke (n)
سلك الدراجة
تلقائى –عفوى
sting, stung
Suitable for
throw away
معجون اسنان
جهاز ارسال
الخيانة العظمى
treat (v)
زيت لاازالة البوية
ultraviolet rays
اشعة فوق البنفسجية
لا يخطر ببال
انعدام الوزن
منظم جيدا
will (n)
wind turbine
توبينات الرياح
الهامة فى المنهج
1-Mention the place and the speakers
in each of the following two
1- A. I have also new designs of armlets. انسيال ذهب
<![if !vml]>
B . Although they are fantastic, I adore this pearl locket .

A. Ok, it’s
only five thousand pounds.
2-. A. Let’s do some weightless sport. .
B. But we need to collect some information
about this planet. كوكب
A. Ok- we still have some more time to do that.
3-A Excuse me. Do you speak English?
B- Yes, I do. How can I help you?
A- Could you tell me the way to the
Cairo Tower, please?
4- A- We have to give our English homework in today.
B- I know, but I don’t know where my book is.
A -Isn’t it in your school bag?
5- A- So, John, could you tell our listeners how you started?
B -Certainly. It was when I was seven.
I won first prize in a poetry competition.
A -And now it’s your full-time job?
B- That’s right. My second novel was
published last year.
6- A- Could you help me carry the
shopping into the house, please, Aisha?
B- OK, Mum. Where shall I put it?
A -Just put the bags on the kitchen
floor for the moment.
7- A-Good morning. Please sit down.
Can I see your application and CV?
B- Yes, I work full-time as a sales
assistant at a supermarket in town,
8- A- Hello and welcome to the
History Department. My name’s Hilary Benson. Before we start the BA course, are
there any questions?
B -Yes. I’d like to know whether
there’s a list of books for this course.
9- A- Excuse me, sir. The captain
has asked everyone to return to their seats.
B -Does that mean we are going to
land soon?
A -Yes, in about 15 minutes.
10- A- Have you seen Tarek?
<![if !vml]>
<![endif]>B -No, sir. He was at his desk on the phone a few minutes

A -Isn’t he there now?
B- No, maybe he’s gone home already.
A -He can’t have gone home. He’s
preparing a report for me.
11-A Are you in your first year?
B -Yes, I’m studying English, but
it’s only my third week.
A- My parents would like me to apply
here. Would you recommend it?
B- Yes, definitely.
12- A Well, your application has
been successful.
B- That’s great! When do I start?
A -At the beginning of next month.
You’ll be working at our Cairo
B -I’m looking forward to starting.
13- A- Is there anything I can do to
help, Miss Salma?
B -Could you give these books back
to the class after break?
A -Yes, of course. Is that the
homework we did last week?
B -Yes, that’s right. Your homework
was very good.
<![if !vml]>
<![endif]>14-A -At last we’re here. What time does
our flight leave, Dad?

B -At midday. We’ve still got lots of
A -Are you sure we have everything we
B -Yes, I’m sure. Please stop worrying,
15- A- Do you remember what
B -No, I just remember waking up in the
A- How do you feel now?
B- Not too bad. Will I have to stay
here tonight?
16- A- Could you tell us why you
would like to study here?
B- Your Biology Department has a
very good reputation.
A- And if we accept you, what do you
hope to do when you graduate?
B- Well, I’d like to work for a food
شوية تانى من اسهل سؤال علشان نضمن الدرجة كاملة
ان شاء الله
2 – Mention the
place , the speakers and the function :
<![if !vml]>
-A: Have sterilized يعقم
ادوات طبية the instruments ?

B: Not yet
A: Quick to start the operation.
2 -A: Have you seen Ali?
B: No sir, he was on his desk a
moment ago.
A: Is not he there now.
B: No, he may have gone home.
3 - A: Excuse me sir the captain has
asked everyone to return to seats.
B: Are we going to land soon?
A: Yes, in about 15 minutes.
4 -A: I would like to book a return
ticket to Aswan .
B: Here you are platform No. 5.
A: Thanks.
5 - A: I have a severe headache what
should I do now?
B: Take this medicine, regularly and
have some rest.
A: Thank you.
6 - A: I would like to deposit
20,000 pounds into my account.
B: Ok, fill in this form, please.
7 -A: Excuse me , what are you doing
B: I am here to demonstrate.
A: What for ?
B: freedom , social justice and
8 - A: Are you in your first year?
B: Yes, I am studying English.
A : Good you will enjoy studying here.
9 - A: Well, your application has
been successful.
B: Good when do I start?
A: Next month in our branch in Cairo .
10 - A: Do you remember what
B: No, I just remember walking in
the street.
A: You have to stay until we have
check on you.
11- A: Look at this chart. Can you see
A & B?
B: No, I can't.
A: You need a pair of glasses for reading.
12- A: Do you have anything to declare?
B: I have some gifts for my relatives.
A: Please open your case.
B: Ok, sir
2-Respond to each of the following situations.المواقف
1-Azhar asks how you feel about an important English test
you have next week.
2-You read a story .Recommend it to your friend
and give reason.
3-Ashgan is very busy. You would like to help him
or her.
4-A friend asks you what kind of books you enjoy reading.
5- A friend asks you why you enjoy sport. Name two
6- Warn your friend who is about to cross the
road, because there is a car coming very fast.
7- Your brother is not working hard enough at school. You
think he will get very low marks. Warn him.
8-Ahlam asks you whether you think people will
continue to explore space in the future.
9-Someone says they think magazines are a waste of money.
Disagree, giving a reason.
10- A friend from England calls and asks about the
weather. You see dark clouds in the sky.
11-You are asked about the importance of lifelong
12- You hear someone use a word you do not understand.
The word is energy.
13-A foreign friend wants to know how to make tea
the Egyptian way. Tell what to do first.
14- Someone asks what you were doing at eight o’clock
this morning.
15- A friend asks you what you think about TV news
16- A friend asks you your opinion about the importance
of the rainforests. Say what you think.
17- A friend asks you for your advice about places
to see in Egypt .
18- A friend wants to phone someone from a public phone
in Egypt .
Show him or her.
19-Your friend tells you that there will be an extra
person for dinner.
20- You do not understand why it goes dark at night. Ask
someone to explain it.
21- A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep
fit. State another way.
22-A friend suggests that you join a squash club
together. Suggest something else.
23- Someone asks where your friend Ali is.. You are
almost certain he is on holiday.
24- Your brother looks worried. You want to know whether
he has a problem.
25- Your mother was very busy yesterday. You regret not
helping her.
26- An English friend asks you how you celebrate Sham
27-You forgot to thank a friend for a present he/she gave
28-You think that your friend is conscientious. give
29- Your friend looks like he/she hasn’t been sleeping
for days. Advise him/her.
30-An interviewer has asked you why you have applied for
a job in a company. Give a reason.
31- You do not understand what distance learning is.
Ask a friend.
تمارين اضافية حتى نضمن الدرجة النهائية ان شاء
الله 2016
1 – Respond to each of the following
situations :
1 - Someone asks you about your
visit to Luxor ,
you enjoyed your time.
2 -You think that people won't read newspapers in a hundred years
3 - You see a boy throwing litter in the street.
4 - You ask your friend doctor's advice how to keep fit.-
5- A pen friend asks you about the places of interest in Egypt
6 - Your brother got a good job at a big company
7 - You suggest going to the theatre at the weekend.
8 - Someone says that magazines are
a waste of money, disagree.
9 -Your friend asks you about the
weather , you see dark clouds in the sky.
10- Your friend thinks that the match was boring, you have
another saying.
11 - Your friend says a word that you don't understand.
12 -Your Friend asks you how to make tea the Egyptian way.
13 -Your father asks you what you were doing at 7 yesterday.
14 - You don't understand why it gets dark at night , as someone
to explain.
15 - A friend suggests that tennis is a good way to keep fit,
State another way.
16 - Your brother looks worried; you want to know if he has a
17 - Your mother was very busy yesterday, you regret not helping
18 - Your friend starts to cross the road when you see a car ,
warn him.
19- - You ask someone about the
qualifications and experience.
20-You watched a nice film
.Recommend it to your friend
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.
1 -Millions of people watched the(start-launch-set
off-beginning) rocket on TV.
<![if !vml]>
<![endif]>2 -The medicine I’m taking is wonderful. It has no

3 -My brother and I are not twins, but we are very
4 -Coal and oil are two kinds of
fossil(petrol-gas-energy-fuels) .
5 -Electricity is produced in
a/an(bus-railway-power-energy) station.
6- I expect I (am going to see-will see-am seeing-see
) you at the weekend.
7- The film (starts-will start-started-is going to start
) at 7.30 this evening.
8 –How (many-much long-deep) times have you seen that
9- The distance from here to Cairo (are-has been-is-is being )two
10 -In some places, wood (burnt-burns-burnt-is burnt )to
heat people’s homes.
11- When I was at school I won a poetry writing
12- She sent me the report as an e-mail
13 -The little girl does not want to sing because she
is(shy-innocent-secret-spay) .
14- My favourite
musical(player-instrument-tool-equipment) is the piano.
15- The cover of my book is made of
16- We arrived half an hour late. The film (began-was
beginning-had begun-has begun)half an hour earlier.
17- Agatha Christie’s books(have been translated- were
translated- translated) into more than 40 languages.
18 -The Romans (have captured-were captured-captured-had
captured) Petra
nearly two thousand years ago.
19- Your train leaves in ten minutes. If you hurry, you
(catch- will catch- would catch- are catching) it.
20- If I am thirsty, water……………..
a I
a-will drink b- I would
drink c- I am drinking d -I drank
21- Too much sun can be……. .
a -respectable b- harmful c -unthinkable d -in conflict
22-I was (prescribed-described-interested-inspired) by
Nelson Mandela as he was a great leader.
23 -Nurses are part of the medical……… .
a- profession
b -work c- job d -career
24- I get on well with all my……… at work, but they are
not close friends.
a- people
b- workers c
-colleagues d- relatives
25-The famous gardens of Babylon
and (flying-floating-flowing-flooding) gardens were built by the Aztecs in Mexico .
a- occurred
b- took c-
came d- caused
26- They left two hours ago, so they ……..arrived by now.
It is not far.
a -must
b- must have c-
have d -can’t have
27- No one is sure where Ali is, but we think he……… gone
to see his uncle.
a -must
b- can’t have
c- might have d- must
28- Ward Shan asked me whether…….. there before.
a -I had been
b- I went c- I
go d- had I been
29 -If ………..for too long, I get a headache.
a- I’ll read
b- I read c -I
had read d- I would read
30 -If you had come ten minutes later, I……………. .
a w a-
would leave b- will leave c -leave d -would have left
31 -I’m sorry, I didn’t……….. you. You look completely
a- see
b- recognize c-
realize d- position
32 -Most secondary school teachers. .….…… ..in one or two subjects.
a- specialize
b- work c-
achieve d- concentrate
33 -Experiments …………are used to test scientific .
a -thoughts
b- processes c
-models d- theories
34- We’re ………..my brother’s birthday next weekend.
a- enjoying b
-remembering c
-celebrating d -developing
35- My favourite ……………..when I play football is
a- place
b- point c
-location d- position
36- I wish I…………….. what I was doing at the weekend.
a -know b-
have known c- knew d- was knowing
37- Hala wishes she …………harder when she was at school.
a- had worked b- worked c- works d- has worked
38-The children were covered in sand when they got home.
They………….. on the beach.
a -were playing
b- have been playing c-
played d -had been playing
39- By the time we arrived home, we……………. over 500
a- travelled
b -had travelled c -have
travelled d- are travelling
40- I expect……….. my driving test when I take it next
a- a a- pass b-to
pass c-passing d- to passing
41- Tasyeer is very……… She loves meeting and talking to
new people.
a- well-organized
b -conscientious
c- sociable d -ambitious
42 -People understand what I’m saying when I speak
Spanish, but I’m not…………...
a- fluent
b- ideal c -mature d- qualified
43- The girl tried to ………me to lend her my phone, but I
a -treat
b- enroll c- provide d- persuade
44- One of the supermarkets in our town has 25……………. .
a -employers
b-employees c-
applicants d- merchants
45- The school……. .…every student with books, so you
don’t have to buy any yourself.
a- gives
b -trains c-
provides d- lends
46 -Alaa’s parents asked her……… she had finished her
a- weather
b -where c- if d- to
47- My friend’s parents have invited me ………….on holiday
with them next year.
a -for b-
go c- going d- to go
48- Marwa’s doctor advised………… to stay at home if she was
feeling ill.
a -he b-
him c- it d -his
49- If it isn’t too hot tomorrow, I……………. go swimming.
a -should b-
must c -can’t d -might
50- They………. be at school by eight o’clock every day.
School starts at eight.
a-have to b-
should c- might d- can
51 -My parents have always ……………me to keep fit by playing
a -warned
b- agreed c-
encouraged d- argued
52 -When you pass your test, you’ll get a driving
a permission
b licence c paper d certificate
53 -He does not want to live a…… life. He would prefer
excitement .
a -conventional b- daily c- interesting d -exciting
54- Their television………… is very dirty.
a -window b- glass c- gadget d- screen
55-…………… books used to be very cheap.
a -Paper
b -Paperback c-
Cardboard d -Hard
56- Florence Nightingale,
…….was born in Italy , went
to school in England .
a- which b
-where c- that d- who
57- Marwa,…… went to a school in London ; she learned to speak English well.
a- which
b -where c -who d- that
58- I went to the bank this morning ………I needed to take
out some money.
a- so
b- although c-
because d- and
59- I’ve felt really tired today,……...I went to bed early
last night.
a- because
b -so c- despite d- although
60 -I hope that by the end of next week, our roof will
have been ………...
a-repair b-repairing c-repaired d-repairs
61- This medicine is safe. There are no …………...
a- top effects
b- side effects c-
leaks d- waste
62- I’m going to have lunch with friends tomorrow. We
are……… at the restaurant at 12.30.
a -going to meet
b- would meet c
-will meet d -meet
63- The……………. between Cairo and my town is 650 kilometers.
a -district
b -area c
-distance d -space
64- It is hard to walk in space because there is no……...
gravity b- waiting c- spin d- air
65 In Britain, children……………..secondary school from the
age of 11.
c-share d-
66-Most furniture…………… from wood.
a- made
b- is made c- make d- makes
67- Many people …………….vegetables in their gardens.
a- growing
b- are grown c-
grow d -is grown
68- In very hot weather, ice cream turns to ………….
a- water
b- soft c-
liquid d- solid
69- We call oil and coal…………. fuels.
a- fossil
b- old c-
renewable d -waste
70- Elham……… an archaeologist when she leaves university.
That is her plan.
a -will become
b- am becoming c -is
going to become d- become
70- He is flying to London
at the weekend. His flight …..at 5.30 in the morning.
a -leaving
b- leaves c-
left d -leave
71- We don’t have …………..time. We’ll have to hurry.
a- many
b -some c- a lot d -much
72- My friend and I look very different, but our
personalities are………… .
a- alike
b- same c- common d- like
73- Six months ………………half a year.
a -are b
-is c- be d -am
74- The walls of the …………………….were built to protect the
a- pyramid
b- mission c-
castle d -house
75- I am writing…………………… that my teacher asked for.
a- essay
b- a essay c- the
essay d -that essay
76-I expect .I…………… you at the weekend.
a- am going to see b- am seeing c -’ll see d -see
77- After the accident, the doctor………….. her to check she
was not injured.
a -examined
b- looked at c
-tested d -studied
78- Do you have……….. free time this afternoon?
a- a b- the c- many d- any
79- We went to the opening of a new school last week. It
was a very interesting……………..
a -occasion
b- time c- view d- situation.
80-Petrol …………… ………. from oil.
a- made
b- is made c
-makes d- are made
81- Wind and wave power are types of ……………energy.
a- new b-
waste c -renewable d -cheap
82- When I was younger, I ……………go swimming every day.
a- usually
b -used c-
use d- used to
83- Yomna……………. at university for three years. She comes
home every weekend.
a -is b
-has been c- is being d- had been
84- The police think he did it. He is the main ………...
a- suspect
b- pioneer c-
publisher d- agent
85- I really enjoy reading Agatha Christie novels. I
particularly like her ………………….
a- way b -style c- system d- design
86- It ……………..that air travel will become more popular in
the future.
a- is thought
b -was thought c-
thought d- thinks
87- He did nothing wrong. He’s ………..
a- suspect
b- guilty c- innocent d- sensible
88- If Manal doesn’t get eight
hours sleep every night, she……… really tired the next day.
a- will feel
b- feels c -would
feel d- is feeling
89- If I have any free time tomorrow,…………….. for a walk
in the park.
a -I went
b- I go c- I’d go d- I’ll go
90- The piano is our favourite musical ………...
a- tool
b- instrument c
--equipment d- device
91- Her uncle can’t remember his accident. The doctor
thinks he may have …………………..
a- a headache
b -phobia c-
amnesia d -injury
92- Don’t worry. I’m sure……………. them again soon.
a- you see
b- you’re seeing c- you’ll
see d- you’re going to see
93- Wanting friends is part of human …………….
a -nature b-
conflict c- will d- life
94- They have just received this photo as an e-mail
a -post
b- attachment c-
letter d- part
95- Lightning is a dangerous but natural………………. .
a -sight b-
response c -eclipse d- phenomenon
96-Afaf didn’t see her brother this morning. He …………..the
flat very early.
a- must have left b- must leave c -can’t have left d -can’t leave
97-Nehal left her glasses at school yesterday. I’m hoping
someone…………. found them.
a- must have
b- might have c- can’t
have d -can have
98-The quickest way for Hala to get to school is to………. a
a- go b-
bring c- come d- take
99- That plant has been…………… so that it gets lots of
a -explored
b- raised c-
positioned d- put
100- Marwa’s mother asked her where …………………...
a- he had been b -had he been c- has he been d -he has been
1 01- Azahar promised she………… me as soon as the plane
a- will phone
b- phoned c- would
phone d- phones
102- Is that someone …………….on our door? I’ll see who it
a- hitting
b- knocking c-
smashing d- beating
103- Their uncle is a scientist. He’s………… research into
new forms of energy.
a- making
b- taking c-
getting d- doing
104 If……………. you earlier, you wouldn’t have missed your
a -had left
b- leave c- would have
left d- left
105- ……………….you work harder, you’ll fail your exam.
a- If
b- Unless c-
When d- As
106- I’m hot today. How about ………….. to the beach?
a- gone b-
going c- went d- go
107- Accidents…………….more frequently when the roads are
a- take part
b- come in c-cause d- occur
108- You’ll have to hurry. Your lesson …………..in half an
a- is going to start b- starts c- will start d- start
109- That tower is one of the town’s most famous ………………….
a- landmarks
b- marks c- events d -products
110- I’d like to get a job in the medical ………..
a -work
b- career c-
occupation d- profession
111-I wish I……….. where I left my jacket.
a -know b-
had known c- knew d -could know
112- Heba wishes she ………….all her money at the weekend.
a- didn’t spend
b- doesn’t spend c
-hasn’t spent d- hadn’t spent
113- My brother …………….his ambition when he became a
a- achieved
b- won c- got d- made
114- After the storm, there was a huge ………..of water on
the roads.
a- floods b- number c- amount d -lot
115-Sara felt ill all night because she ……….too much the
day before.
a -had eaten
b -was eating c- eats d -has eaten
116-He was very tired yesterday evening because he………
.….for a school test all day.
a- has revised
b- had been revising
c- revised d -revising
117- I really ……………..to very loud music in public places.
a -disagree
b -argue c -can’t
stand d -object
118- Ghada’s friends didn’t……………. her when she returned
from a year abroad.
a- recognize
b- remember c-
see d -look
119- My friend suggested…………. for a picnic in the park.
a -go b-
to go c- going d- goes
120- We’re planning to ………………….Europe for our holiday
next year.
a- flying b-
to fly c- fly d -to flying
121- In some countries, people ………….the end of the year
on December 31st.
a- enjoy
b- celebrate c -have
fun d- party
122- In our
town, there are musicians who play……….. music.
a- tradition
b- national c- folk d- historical
123- Whose…………….. is it to make sure children arrive
safely at school?
a- responsible
b -responsibility c-
response d -respond
124-Five pounds………………. a lot for a cup of coffee.
a- are
b -cost c- pay d- is
125- In some countries, people use a passport instead
of………. card.
a- an identity
b- a personal c- a
national d- an individual
126-Yossif …….the train. He was at the station half an
hour before the train left.
a -can’t miss
b -can’t have missed c
-must have missed d- didn’t miss
127- My friend advised me to see a doctor. I wish ………….I
her advice now.
a -took
b- take c -had
taken d- have taken
128- Did they ever discover the………………………. of the fire?
a -reason
b- purpose c
-explanation d- cause
129- My sister promised ………….me after school this
a- meeting
b- to meet c-
met d- meet
130-Sarah ………………..
be married she is under five years.
a-must b-may c-can’t d-will
131- I’ve just finished a novel……………… the main character
is an 80-year-old man.
a- which b -in which c- who d -whose
131 Have you heard? They’ve discovered a/an………………. new
treatment for flu.
a -effective
b- useless c
-real d cruel
132- Sarah ………..sport as a very
important part of her life.
a- thinks
b -believes c-
regards d- looks
133- On …………that he had passed his driving test, Taha was
very happy.
a- heard b
-he heard c- to hear d- hearing
134- There was great………………. when our team won the
football match.
a- procession
b- imprisonment c-
excitement d -attachment
135- Mohmoud Yeha wasn’t getting enough exercise,………………..
he joined a sports club.
a -because
b- although c- and d -so
136- I’ve seen an interesting article on the internet
which I have……….. onto my computer.
a- received
b- done c
-downloaded d- written
137- By this time next week, the exam results will……….. .
a -have been published
b- have published c
-publish d -be publishing
138- I like that photograph on your computer ………………...
a- glass b-
screen c- film d- front
139- Alaa Ayman is really……….. about all kinds of sport.
She loves playing and watching it.
a- interested
b- active c
-enthusiastic d -keen
140- In some modern homes, water ……………by energy from the
a- are heated b- heat c- is heated d -is heating
141- My daily …………………starts when my alarm clock goes off
at 6.30.
a- routine
b- habit c
-custom d- way
142- There’s water all over the floor. Someone …………..to
turn off the shower.
a must forget
b- must have forgotten c-
can’t have forgotten
143- Her parents have…………. meetings
with the teachers at her school.
a- totally b- gradual c slow d regular
144- I have just had a phone conversation ……………..we
discussed our holiday plans.
a- which
b -in which c
-what d- to which
145-At the weekend, my aunt asked me what I…………. since we
last met.
a- did b
-was doing c -have done d -had been doing
146- Teachers are always encouraging their students to be
………and hard-working.
a -conventional b- common c- confusing d-- conscientious
147- Mohammed
wanted to know whether anyone …………………the book he was reading.
a- had seen
b- has seen c-
sees d- saw
148- Nada hasn’t finished her course yet. She’s still
a- a trainer
b- an employee c-
an employer d- a trainee
149- The best writers force their readers…………. about
serious questions.
a -to think
b- thinking c-
thought d- think
150- A new supermarket in our town was opened by a
well-known………………… yesterday.
a- celebrity b- famous c -character d- somebody
151- I think someone may have……………….. today’s newspaper
by mistake.
a- wasted
b- thrown c
-refused d- thrown away
152- I…… really phone my parents to tell them I’m going
to be late home today.
a -need
b- must c-
can d- could
153- At her first school, Raghada …………to wear a blue
a- had
b- must c -could d -has
154- Sarah is thinking of……………. on a Business Studies
course at the local college.
a- entering
b- applying c-
enrolling d- beginning
155- Pupils don’t have to pay for their books. The school
a- pays b
-provides c
-takes d- affords
My father has a sat-nav… in his car to help him find the best route.
a-discipline b-screen c-
system d- organizer
roof of our old house is very weak. We'll have to…. it soon.
strong b- Strengthen c- strength c-
My ear's been giving me a lot of trouble lately. Please…your voice.
a-rise b-raise c-arise d-arouse
You have to…….your English homework in today.
b- make c- do d- knock
Rowida and Raghada felt very……... after their trip to England .
a-relaxing b-relax c-relaxation d-.relaxed
What's your plan for the next Ramadan? I…..Umra.
I'm performing b-will perform c-perform
d-.'m going to perform
You can't say that fifteen kilometres….a long way to walk.
b-be c-.are d-.
The cargo ship has sunk in the ocean . So, these cars ….have been brought on
can't b- must c- shouldn't d- wouldn't
If the temperature is zero or below, water.........
a-freeze b-will freeze c-freezes d-is going to freeze
The teacher asks her where…. been.
a-she has b-you have c-has
she d-she had
تمارين اخرى علشان نكون تناولنا كل حتة فى
3 – Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1-The moon has less
(power-energy-gravity-) than the earth so we can jump much higher.
2 - (Will-Did-Can-Would) he
understand the lesson if he read the summary?
3-The prisoner Of Zenda took
(part-place-turns-form)in the 19th
4 -Esraa (used to-using to- is used
to-uses to) travelling by sea.
5-Modern (wind turbines – fossil
–hydroelectric) are the tall towers to generate electricity.
6 - How (many-much-lots-different)
information have you got from the story?
7-This nice story (is
written-writes-was written-wrote)by Taha Hussein.
8- Haqqi graduated in law and worked
as a (lawyer-diplomat-sailor-journalist)
9- It is a month (for-since-of-to)
Hagar last visited her uncle.
10-The (branch-roots-bark-rings) are
the parts of the tree that grow underground.
11 - Ahmed will catch the train
(If-In case of – unless-in spite of) coming in time.
12 - The cover of the book is made
of (rubber-glass-wood-cardboard)
13-Shyeama asked me (if I came-if
did I come-would I come-)all the way on foot.
14 - (Grass-Cliff-Illuminate –Carve)
makes light shine on something.
15-They left an hour ago, so they
(must have-can't have-have) arrived by now, it is not far.
16- He did nothing wrong, he is
17- My brother and I are not twins,
but we are very (alike-same-like-correct)
18-Electricity is produced in a/an
19- Her books (were translated-have
translated-translated-)into more than 40 languages.
20-Jehad can't remember his
accident, she may have (phobia-amnesia-injury)
21-Lightning is natural
22- Wanting friends is part of human
23- It is hard to walk in space
because there is no (gravity-waiting-spin-air)
24-Wind and water power are types of
25- It was a n
interesting(occasion-time-view-situation) to meet Hager.
26-Shery (leave-can't have left-must
have left- can't leave)the flat she is on bed.
27 - (If –Unless-when –As) you work
harder , you will fail.
28- My sister (has been-is –had
been- is being)at university for 3 years, she is not here.
29-Yomna asked me whether(I had
been-I had went- I go – had I been)there before.
30- We arrived late, the film
(began-was beginning – had begun-)half an hour earlier.
31 - Hassna promised she (will
phone-would phone- phones)me as soon as the plane landed.
32-The Romans (were
captured-captured-had captured) Petra
two thousand years ago.
33- The car stopped because there
was a (tap-launch-fuel-leak) in the petrol tank.
is a ceremony to be a king.
35 - The school
(pays-takes-provides-afford)students with books for free.
36-That tower is one of the town's
most famous (marks-landmarks-products-events)
37-My father is very (ambitious-
sociable-optimistic) He loves meeting new people.
38- I attended (debate-escapism-publication-production)
between presidents.
39 -Twenty kilometers (has-is-have-are) a long way to
40 - I sent an e- mails with three
41 - The hard outside part of a tree is called the
42 - Nearly two million (commuters-pilots-rescuers)travel
to and from Cairo
every day.
43 - Electrical storms are a common (occurrence-occur-
occurred)in our city.
44 - I get headache if I (had read-read-will read- would
read)for a long time.
45 - I expect I (am seeing-will see-am going to
see-see)you at the week end.
46 - Wave power and winds are types of
(waste-new-renewable-non renewable)energy.
47 – Yossif
objected (with-at-to-of)his friends' accusations.
48 – He can't remember his accident. He may have(
headache - phobia -- amnesia – injury)
49 - You can (launch - lunch - harsh – lash) a new ship
and a rocket.
50 -The car stopped because there was a (peak - peek -
leak – lake)in the petrol tank.
51 - The piano is our favourite musical (tool -
instrument - equipment – device)
52-The police think he did it. He is the main ( suspect -
pioneer - publisher – agent)
53 - (Coronation - Celebration – Cooperation)is a
ceremony when someone becomes king.
54 - If you (had left - would have left – left)earlier,
you wouldn't have missed your train.
55 -Sarah was born ( on - by - at – in)1905 in the Shobra
district of Cairo
56 - At her first school, she ( had - must - could –
has)to wear a blue uniform.
57- Ayah does not need to wear glasses, her (tongue -
sigh - sight - site) is good.
58 - I'm sure (you see - you're seeing - you'll see - you're
going to see)them again soon.
59- In many countries, the wind ( used - use - are used -
is used)to generate electricity.
60 - A/An (stupid - mature - elderly – genius) student is
over 25.
61-The Mousetrap (wrote- writes- is written - was
written) as a radio play in 1947.
62- Scientists are(making - taking - getting – doing)
research into new forms of energy.
63 -The (fireworks - landmarks -
folks – cures)lit up the sky of Egypt .
– Million of people watched the rocket (start- launch - set off - beginning) on
– The medicine has no side (results-damage-effects-problems).
well as-Despite-Because of-Due to ) her beauty, Rowida is very polite.
My brother and I are not twins, but we are very (alike-same-like-correct).
– Coal and oil are two kinds of fossil (petrol-gas-energy-fuel).
– Electricity is produced in a (bus-railway-power-energy) station.
– The film (starts-will start-is starting-is going to start) at 7:30 at the
– How (many-much-lots-different) times have you seen that film?
– The distance from here to Cairo
(are-is-has-is being) two kilometers.
– In some places, wood (are burnt-burns-burnt-is burnt) to heat people's homes.
74 – When I was at school I won a
poetry writing (race-article-competition-game).
75 – Manar sent me the report as an
e – mail (attachment-letter-picture-article).
76 – The little girl doesn't want to
sing because she is (innocent-secret-spay-shy).
77-The novel,(was
written-writing-written-write) by Rehab was made into a film.
78 -If you hurry , you will
(catch-will catch-would catch-are catching)the train.
79- If I am thirsty, I (will
drink-would drink-am drinking-drink) water.
80 -A
(criminal-judge-lawyer-detective) is a person who tries to solve crimes.
81 - The police are working (off-on-in-over)
two crimes.
82-The passengers had all taken part
(in-on-at-for) the murder.
83 -Could you
(start-starting-stared-starts) by telling us about kinds of trees?
84 - The climate is neither very hot
(or-so-too-nor) very cold.
85- (In-At-On-With) December 3,
1926, Agatha left home without telling anyone.
86 - Too much sun can be
(respectable-harmful-unthinkable-in conflict).
87-We (visited-called-hit-knocked)
on the door three times, but they didn't hear us.
88 -Nurses are part of the medical
89-I get on well with my
(people-workers-colleagues-relatives) at work.
90-The accident
(occurred-took-came-caused) at 8 o'clock last week.
91 –Hardly (had she-did she-has she-
she had) arrived when the light went out.
92 – Raghda asked me whether I (had
been-went-go-had been) there before.
93– If she (had –had had-has has
had-has) time, she would have visited Cairo .
94 – If you had come ten minutes
later, I (would leave-will leave-leave-would have left).
95 – This medicine is safe. There
are no (top effects-side effects-leaks-waste).
96–We are (going to meet-will
meet-would meet-meet)at the restaurant at 12:30.
(district-area-distance-apace) between Cairo
and my town is 650 kilometers.
98–It is hard to walk in space
because there is no (gravity-waiting-spin-air).
Britain ,
children (go-intend- attend) secondary school from the age of 11.
100 – Most furniture (made-make-is
made-makes) wood.
101- Many people (growing-are
grown-grow-is grown) vegetables in their gardens.
102- In very hot weather, ice cream
turns to (water-soft-liquid-solid).
103- We call oil and coal
(fossil-old-renewable-waste) fuels.
104-Ayah is flying to London next week. Her
flight (leaving-leaves-left-leave) at 5: 30.
105 -We don't have (many-some-a lot
–much) time. We will have to hurry.
106 –The twins are
107 -Six months (are-is-am-be) half
a year.
108- The walls of the
(pyramids-mission-castle-house) were built to protect the town.
109- I am writing (easy-an essay-the
essay-that easy) that my teacher asked for.
110 -I am sorry I didn't
(see-recognize- realize) you. You look completely different.
111 - Most teachers
(specialize-work-achieve-concentrate) in one or two subjects.
112 - Experiments are used to test
scientific (thoughts-processes-models-theories).
113 - We are
(enjoying-remembering-celebrating-developing) victory.
114 - My favourite
(place-point-location -position) when I play football is goalkeeper.
115- I wish I (know-have
known-knew-was knowing) what I was doing at the weekend.
116–I expect (pass-to
pass-passing-to passing) my driving test when I take it next year.
117–Ayah practises (to play-to be played-to have
played-playing)the guitar everyday.
118– I regretted (criticize – to
criticize – criticizing – to criticizing) her in public.
119 - Fatin is very keen
(on-in-of-about) swimming.
120–I don't fancy
(watch-watched-watches-watching) that film.
121–The film was really enjoyable. I
wish you (could be-are-had been-will be ) with us.
122–Sham.El-Nessim is a day (in
which-which-who-whose) marks the beginning of spring.
parents have always (warned-agreed-encouraged) me to keep fit by playing
you pass your test, you will get a driving
Their TV (widow-glass-gadget-screen) is very dirty.
books used to be very cheap.
(which-where-who-that) was born in Italy ,
went to school in England .
went to the bank (so-although-because-and) I needed to take out some money.
spent her time (to encourage- encouraging- encouraged- encourages) other girls.
- I went to England
(for-since-ago-last) a month last summer.
When we boil water, it (is –will be-will become-becomes) steam.
-Hassna stayed (in-by-with-at) English families.
-During my stay , I (bought-made-did-hated) some new friends.
- They were interested (in-on-for-to) hear about life in Egypt .
135-Sarah is very (conscientious - sociable – ambitious)
She works hard and never wastes her
136–I am not (ideal-fluent-mature-good) in Spanish.
137-There are 25(employers- employees- applicants-
merchants) in the supermarkets.
138 -The school (gives- trains- provides- lends) every
student with books.
139 - My friend's parents have invited me
(for-go-going-to go) on holiday with them.
140 -Ghada's parents asked her (weather-where-if-to) she
had finished her homework.
141 - Ali's doctor advised (he-him-it-his) to stay at
home if he was feeling ill.
142 - If it isn't too hot tomorrow, I (should-must-can’t-might)
go swimming.
143 - You can contact your teachers (for-by-in-to)
144 –We( have to-must-needn’t-should) have a valid visa
if you are in a foreign country.
145-The Open University
provides degrees through (distant-long-right-distance)learning.
146- The companies pay (for-by-to-in) the cost of the
147 - Thanks (for-too-to-you) information technology, the
world is becoming smaller.
148-Rehab wrote a report (in-to-by-on) some investments.
149 Five pounds( are - cost - pay – is)a lot for a cup of
150- Abroad people use a passport instead of (an identity
- a personal - a national) card.
151- Ayah (can’t be - can’t have been- must have
been-might have been married she is only three years old.
152- I wish I (took - take - had taken - have taken) her
advice yesterday.
153 -Did they ever discover the( reason - purpose -
explanation – cause)of the fire?
154 -My sister promised me(a meeting
- to meet - met – meet)after school this afternoon.
155- They’ve discovered a/an( effective - useless - real
– cruel)new treatment for flu.
156 -On( heard - he heard - to hear – hearing)the news,
Sarah was happy.
157 -There was great( procession excitement –
attachment)during the funeral of President .
158 –He wasn’t getting enough exercise, ( because -
although - so)he joined a sports club.
159- I have ( received -done - downloaded – written)a
nice film onto my computer.
160 -By this time next week, the exam results will (have
been published - have published)
161 –My mother had a (gadget-module-book-e-book) to
squeeze oranges.
162 -Raghada is really (interested -
active -enthusiastic - keen) about all kinds of sport.
163- Your lesson (is going to start - starts - will start
–start)in half an hour.
164-That tower is one of the town’s most famous
(landmarks - marks - events – products).
165- I’d like to get a job in the medical (work - career
- occupation –profession).
166- I wish I( know - had known - knew - could know)where
I left my jacket now.
167- Rowida wishes she( would join
–will join- had joined)faculty of Medicine next year.
168 -My brother( achieved - won - got – made)his ambition
when he became a doctor.
169 -Nada felt ill all night because she (had eaten -was
eating - eats - has eaten)too much .
170- Before I arrived Doaa (has revised - had been
revising -revised – revising)for test .
171 -I really (disagree - argue - can’t stand – object)
to very loud music in public places.
172- Yomna’s friends didn’t (recognize - remember -see –
look) her after marriage.
173- My friend suggested (go - to go - going – goes) for
a picnic in the park.
174- We’re planning (flying - to fly - fly - to flying)
to Europe for our holiday next year.
175- People (enjoy - celebrate - have fun – party) the
end of the year on December 31st.
176-Whose (responsible -
responsibility -respond) is it to make sure children arrive safely?
177 - Water (are heated - heat - is heated - is heating)
by energy from the sun.
178- My daily (routine - habit - custom – way) starts
when my alarm clock goes off at 6.30.
179- Teachers encourage students to be( conventional -
confusing – conscientious).
180- My sister hasn’t finished her course yet. She’s
still (a trainer - an employee - a trainee)
smoking is harmful, I smoke.
182-It was cold and rainy(therefore-moreover-
although-nevertheless)a lot of people came to the party.
183-He (marriage-got married-married-was married)his wife
in 1995.
184-My sister
loves(cloth-clothes-clothing-costumes-clothe),she is fashionable.
185-Water(passed-passes-passing-is passed)from Dams is
used to generate electricity.
186-(Thermal) means(earth-under-water-heat).
means (water-rocks-earth-heat)
4 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,
then write it correctly:
1-Marwa’s going meet her sister in town.
2- I fixed the lake in the petrol tank.
3- How many time do I need to drive to the city
4- I wish I can read more quickly.
5-Shyama asked her friend weather she had finished
her homework.
6- My parents have invited one of my friends stay
for the weekend.
7- When Shrook was five years old, he was sting by
a scorpion.
8- I need to go to the university to buy some
9- A civil servant is someone who works for the army.
10- When I have nothing to do, I feel really boring.
11- The person who’s job is to clean the school is
not here today. He’s ill.
12- When Umm Kalthoum died, thousands of people attended
her wedding.
13- You should reinvent paper, rather than throw
it away.
14- Some people believe that in the future, water will
use as a fuel for cars.
15-Despite he is 68, my grandfather is still
16-I want to make some sandwiches. Have we got a bread?
17- Elham shouldn’t eat too many sweets because she is chronic.
18-I asked my mother whether had she seen my
English book.
19- Manar is on a low-fat diet because recently she’s lost
a lot of weight.
20-Rowida has always enjoyed to go to the theatre.
21- Alfred Farag is a famous Egyptian playwrite.
22- I need to get fit, so I’ve made a decision. I
do more exercise.
23- The Prisoner of Zenda was wrote by
Anthony Hope.
24- Before I entered the university, I had to show my credit
25- If you heat water, it melts.
26- Ra’fat El-Haggan and El-Shawwan were very famous
Egyptian kings.
27- Let’s try to find them. They can’t have went
very far.
28- Teachers and supervisors belong to the teaching confession.
29-He asked me if I saw his newspaper the day
30- The statue of Ramses II is a very important Ancient
Egyptian magnet.
31-People can waste lots of
money by using the underground.
32- The
accident would not happen if he had not been using his mobile phone.
A situation of disagreement or fighting between people or groups means deliberation.
My personality is the same as hers, but we are alike.
thought to achieve more progress in the near future.
I wish I didn't let my child go out alone. He lost his way
Sorry, your car won't be repaired by next week.
38-Energy from the sun is unexpensive.
39-Archaeologists find valuable treasures during there
40-In Egypt , Naguib Sawaris is a very influence
41- Using a computer for a long time
sometimes makes me a headache.
42-- Nuclear energy is produced by spitting atoms.
our responsible to do everything we can to protect our traditional
commit is to travel daily from one place to another.
45-Carbon dioxide
is taken in and oxygen produced by trees.
year, the rays of the raising sun illuminate the statue of Ramses II.
47-The novel writing by Marawa ,was a
48-Cildren attend school till the age
of 16.
49-When Nawara did homework ,she will
50-Everyone put out his umbrella.
تمارين اضافية علشان
كل حتة فى المنهج
4 – Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences :
1 – All scientists are interested of
2 – My brother had a good educated,
he went o one of the best universities.
3 – Despite she is clever,
Mona failed the exam.
4-I went to Paris .I had dreamt of going their since I
was a child.
5 – Before you go to London , you should practice
to speak English.
– My father is a good tennis playing
7-You must apply for writing if you
want to complain.
8-Speed pumps reduce accidents.
9 – The married team went to Italy
during their holiday.
10 –Soryia doesn't like pasta , she always
eats it.
11 – I will never forget the day where
I first saw my husband.
12 – Hala is thought being an
honest girl.
13 – They are working for
five hours before the light went off.
14 - The good news are that
Heba had twin baby girls.
15 – Wafaa asked me where had I
put the bag the day before.
16 - My plane is leaving Cairo today at 10 pm.
17 -The pyramids are very important Ancient Egyptian magnet
18 – The person who's job is to clean the school is absent.
19- I want to make a sandwich , have we got a bread?
20- Let's try to find them , they can't have went very far.
21-Some people regard playing chess
like waste of time.
22-You should such this shirt in
cold water.
23-He wanted a conversational
marriage with a wife and children.
24-Students need encourage.
25-Once he did homework, he will
26-These pair of trousers is very
27-The price will reduce when more
people buy things.
28-He left without say any word.
29-Sarah Kamal owed some money from
30-If you hit the drum hard ,drums
do a very loud noise.
31-The flat in where he lives is
into English:
1-يجب ان يتحمل كل مواطن المسؤلية من اجل تقدم مصر.
2-التعاون مع الدول الافريقية هو الحل الوحيد
لمشكلة سد النهضة.
3-اصبح الحاسب الالى متاح فى كل منزل.
4-علينا ترشيد الكهرباء بخاصة فى فصل الصيف.
5-يجب استخدام الطاقة النووية فى السلم لتوليد
القصة كلها عن طريق السؤال و الجواب ان شاء لن يخرج عنها الامتحان
Chapter 1
A. Answer these questions.
<![if !supportLists]>1)
<![endif]>Why doesn't Rudolf Rassendyll
1. He belongs to a rich important
family and doesn’t need to work.
<![if !supportLists]>2)
<![endif]>Why has the Rassendyll family
been interested in the Elphberg family?
. Countess Amelia Rassendyll
married a member of the Elphberg family many years ago. Many of her descendants
look like the royal family of Ruritania (the Elphbergs). Rudolf looks like an
<![if !supportLists]>3)
<![endif]>What does the owner of the inn
think of Michael Duke of Strelsau?
. She thinks he should be the
King because the real King only likes hunting and good food.
Read the
quotations and answer the questions.
• "To a man like me,
opportunities are responsibilities. "
1. Who says this and when?
. Rudolf Rassendyll says this
while he is eating breakfast with his sister-in-law.
2. What does the person mean by
. He means that if an opportunity
comes, he takes it but he doesn’t look for work or responsibilities.
3. Do you think a person like
this is very serious about work or life?
. Opinions may vary. But his
sister-in-law does not think that he is very serious about work and life with
this attitude. • "He's always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the
people, so people like him. "
1. Who says this to whom?
. The innkeeper (inn owner) says
this to Rassendyll.
2. Who is the person talking
. She’s talking about Duke
Michael, the Duke of Strelsau.
3. What more does the speaker
think about the person?
. She wishes that he would be the
Chapter 2
A. Answer these questions.
<![if !supportLists]>1)
<![endif]>Why don't Fritz and Sapt eat very
much? What advice do they give the King? Does he listen to them?
. They don’t want to overeat
because they have to get up early the next day. They advise the King not to eat
too much. He doesn’t listen to them.
<![if !supportLists]>2)
<![endif]>Why does the Duke poison the
. He hopes that the King will
miss the coronation and that he (the Duke) will become the
King instead.
<![if !supportLists]>3)
<![endif]>How and when will they get the
King to Strelsau?
. They will hide the King in the
cellar of the lodge. At night, after the coronation, Sapt and Rassendyll will
come back and get the King. Sapt will take him back to the palace, and
Rassendyll will leave the country.
<![if !supportLists]>4)
<![endif]>Who overhears their plan? What do
they do with the person?
. Johann’s mother (who is a
servant to the Duke) overhears the plan. They tie her up and
lock her in the cellar with the
King. Josef will let her out later.
<![if !supportLists]>5)
<![endif]>Why is Rassendyll afraid when he
sees Antoinette de Mauban?
. Her expression changes, so he
thinks she recognizes that he is not the real King. He is afraid that she will
shout out and tell others .
. Read the quotations and answer
the questions.
• "Meanwhile, I'll have some breakfast! The King is hungry!"
1. Who says this to whom? 1.
Rassendyll (disguised as the King) says this to Sapt and Fritz.
2. Where and when does he say
this?. In the train station at Strelsau. They have just arrived but they are
early, so Rassendyll will eat first.
3. What does this show you about
the speaker? He is feeling a little more relaxed and acting more like the King.
• "God save both
1. Who said this and where was he?.
Sapt said this in the restaurant at the train station in Strelsau.
2. What did the people say just
before this?. The people said, “God save the King!”
3. Why does the speaker say
"both Kings"? Who is he talking about?
. He’s talking about the real King
who is in the lodge at Zenda and about Rassendyll who is pretending to be the
King for the coronation. He is worried about the safety of both men, the real
King and the pretend King.
Chapter 3
<![if !supportLists]>1)
<![endif]>Why is Spat so anxious about
Rassendyll's decision to ride alone through the old town?
. He knows that the people in the
old town support the Duke and he is afraid that
Rassendyll will be hurt or attacked there.
<![if !supportLists]>2)
<![endif]>Why do Rassendyll and Sapt need a
permit to leave the city?
. Michael controls the city and
he has had news from Zenda, so he won’t want people to leave the city.
<![if !supportLists]>3)
<![endif]>How do they get a permit from the
. Sapt can write like the King
and he signs the paper.
<![if !supportLists]>4)
<![endif]>What does Fritz do while Sapt and
Rassendyll go to Zenda?
. He stays and guards the
bedroom. He must not let anyone inside the room.
<![if !supportLists]>5)
<![endif]>How do Sapt and Rassendyll get
out of the palace? Why do they go this way?
. They go through a secret
passage in the wall and out of a secret back door. They do this because they
don’t want anyone to see them and they want people to think that the King is in
his bedroom.
<![if !supportLists]>6)
<![endif]>What do you think the message
"all is well" means?
. It probably means that the King
is captured, as that is what the Duke was planning, but there may be other
details that are also “well”.
<![if !supportLists]>7)
<![endif]>What do Sapt and Rassendyll find
inside the lodge?
. Johann’s mother and the King
are gone. Josef is killed.
Read the quotations and answer the questions.
<![if !supportLists]>1. <![endif]>"Tell
your soldiers to ride ahead of me. I don't need them or you.
I. Who says this to whom?. Rassendyll says
this to Marshal Strakencz.
2. Where are they and when is this?.
They are in the streets of Strelsau, going from the
station to the coronation. This is before the coronation.
3. Why does the speaker say this?
. He wants to act as a king. He wants the people to know
that he trusts them.
<![if !supportLists]>2. <![endif]>"You mustn't try too hard. I'm
not sure it was a good idea to ride alone through the old town. Duke Michael
won't like it if you become too popular with his people, you know. "
1. Who says
this to whom?.
Fritz says this to
2. Where and
when is this said?.
They are in the King’s bedroom after the coronation.
3. Why did
the person ride alone through the old town and why won't Duke Michael like it
if the person becomes too popular?
. Rassendyll wanted to act like a
real king and show that he wasn’t afraid of the people/show that he trusted the
people. Duke Michael won’t like it because if he tries to become King, the
people will probably support him. But if the King/Rassendyll becomes popular,
it will be harder for Michael to get the support of the people.
<![if !supportLists]>3. <![endif]>"If all's well, why go there?
And if all isn't well, I fear there 'Il be a trap. "
1. Who says this to whom?. Max Holt says this to Duke
2. Where are they?. They are on the road
between Strelsau and Zenda./On the way to Zenda.
3. What is "there"?
What do you think he means by "all's well"?
. “There” means the hunting
lodge. “All’s well” probably means that the Duke’s plan has gone ahead and that
the King is kidnapped.
<![if !supportLists]>4. <![endif]>"We'll go back to Strelsau. The
King will be back in the capital again tomorrow!"
1. Who says this to whom?. Sapt says this to Rassendyll.
2. Where are they and what has
happened? They are in the hunting lodge
near Zenda. They have found Josef dead and the King is gone.
3. How will the King be back in
the capital tomorrow?. Rassendyll
will continue to pretend to be the King. / Sapt wants Rassendyll to continue to
pretend to be the King.
Chapter 4
<![if !supportLists]>1)
<![endif]>What does Sapt plan to do if the
real King is dead?
. He plans that Rassendyll will
remain as King.
<![if !supportLists]>2)
<![endif]>What does Rassendyll mean that
some of those evil men should join Josef?
. Rassendyll means that some of
them should be killed. They should join Josef in death.
<![if !supportLists]>3)
<![endif]>Who are the Six Men? Where are
they from? Why are only three in Strelsau?
. They are six special soldiers
that Duke Michael keeps in his house all the time. Three are from Ruritania,
one is French, one is Belgian, one is English. Sapt and Fritz assume that if
only three are in Strelsau, the other three must be guarding the King.
<![if !supportLists]>4)
<![endif]>Rassendyll decides to keep some
of his plans secret from Sapt and Fritz. What are those plans?. He plans
to make himself as popular as he can, and to not say anything bad about
Michael. This way, if there were a fight, some of the people would support him
(the King) and not Michael. Michael would not become stronger this way.
. Read the quotations and answer
the questions.
<![if !supportLists]>1.
<![endif]>"You're mad! The plan's too
1. Who says this to whom?. Rassendyll says this to Colonel
2. Where are they?. They are at the
hunting lodge near Zenda.
3. What is the dangerous
plan?. Sapt wants Rassendyll to
continue to pretend to be the King and to return to Strelsau that night.
<![if !supportLists]>2.
<![endif]>"We've got them! They can't say anything
without showing their guilt. "
1. Who says
this to whom?. Sapt says
this to Rasendyll.
2. Why does
he say this?. He is trying
to persuade Rassendyll to continue to be the King.
3. Who is
"them"? What does the speaker mean by "We've got them"?
. “Them” is
Duke Michael and his men. The speaker means that they have trapped the Duke and
his men. The Duke can’t say anything against Rassendyll because he would have
to admit that he is guilty of kidnapping the real King.
<![if !supportLists]>3.
<![endif]> "Now
remember, say nothing about this. All young men like to ride their horses now
and then, so why not the King?"
1. Who says
this to whom?. Sapt says this to
(Freyler,) the servant waiting for them outside the secret door to the palace.
2. Where is
the speaker coming from and who is with him?. Where was the speaker coming from
and who was with him? He was coming from Zenda and Rassendyll (disguised as the
King) was with him.
3. Why does
the speaker say this?. Why does the speaker say this? He doesn’t want the
servant to talk about the King’s going out. He wants him to think that the King
was just out riding (and enjoying himself).
Chapter 5
A. Answer these questions
1. Rassendyll has never liked
responsibilities. Now he has many. What responsibilities does he have? . He has to act
like the King. He has to run the country. He has to try to rescue the real King
from Michael.
5. Why does Sapt have Rassendyll
followed everywhere? What does he mean by “If you disappear, the game’s over”?
. He has him followed to protect
him from Michael’s men. If they can kill or kidnap Rassendyll, they will kill the real King and make
Michael the King. Rassendyll’s game of pretending to be King would be over.
6. Who
writes a letter to Rassendyll and what does it say? Who does he suspect really
wrote it?
6. Antoinette de Mauban writes a letter. It tells him to come to a certain
place in a summer house in a garden late at night. He suspects that Michael
wrote the letter (or at least dictated it to her).
7. When Rassendyll talks to
Detchard at the summer house, what does Detchard offer him? Why doesn’t
Rassendyll accept it?
. Detchard offers to give
Rassendyll 50,000 English pounds and a safe journey to the border. Rassendyll
doesn’t accept this because he knows that they will kill the real King, and he
doesn’t trust them. They will promise him one thing but kill him instead.
8. How does Rassendyll come out
of the summer house alive?
. He holds the iron table in
front of him to protect him (like a shield) and he rushes out of the door and
knocks the three men down. He runs quickly away.
9. Why have they prepared a ball
for the Princess?
. They want to make the people
happy and make them think that the King wants to marry the Princess. They want
Rassendyll to ask the Princess to marry him. Some people think that if the King
doesn’t marry her soon, she should marry Duke Michael.
12. What does Rassendyll do when
he hears of these letters? Who does he go to?
. He orders a guard for the
Princess. He goes to Marshal Strakencz and gives him some orders.
13. What does Rassendyll tell
Marshal Strakencz to do?
. He tells him to guard the
Princess and not allow Michael or his men hear her. He also tells the Marshal
that he is leaving Strelsau for a few days and he will send a message to him
every evening. If he doesn’t get a message for three days, he has the authority
to say that he is now the head of Strelsau. He must then ask the Duke to allow
him to see the King. If he doesn’t see the King in twenty-four hours, he must
say that the King’s dead. Then he must tell the people of Ruritania that their
new ruler will be Princess Flavia.
. Read the quotations and answer
the questions.
1-“It would be very useful for
Michael if you disappeared. And if you disappear, the game’s over.”
1. Who says this to whom?. Sapt
says this to Rassendyll.
2. Why does the speaker say this?
2. Because Rassendyll complained that there are always men following him. (The
men were ordered by Sapt to do so.)
3. What game would be over if the
person disappeared? Explain.
3. The game of who is King.
Michael would also kill the real King and then make himself King.
2- “I also have a game to play.
I’ll tell the Duke’s men that you never came. If the Duke doesn’t find out what
I’ve done, we may meet again.”
1. Who says this to whom?.
Antoinette de Mauban says this to Rassendyll.
2. Where are they?. They are in a
summer house in a garden in Strelsau.
3. What has the speaker done that
the Duke shouldn’t find out?
. She has warned Rassendyll that
they are trying to kill him, and has told him how to escape.
3- “But you always knew that you
would become King. How could you
think that was someone else’s
1. Who says this to whom? .
Princess Flavia says this to “King” Rassendyll.
2. Where are they? . They are at
the ball in the palace.
3. This was said in reaction to
the other person’s words. What did the other person say before this? . He said
that when he was younger he didn’t think he had any responsibilities to
4- “Every evening, I’ll send you
a message. If you don’t get a message for three days, you have the authority to
say that you are now the head of Strelsau.”
1. Who says this to whom?. “King”
Rassendyll says this to Marshal Strakencz.
2. When is this said?. This is
said the day after the ball, before Rassendyll goes to Zenda. / After the Duke
invites the Princess to Zenda and Antoinette warns her to stay away.
3. What other orders does the
speaker give?
. The Marshal must guard the
Princess and not let Michael or his men near her. If the Marshal becomes the
head of Strelsau, he must then go to the Duke and demand to se the King. If he
doesn’t see the King in twenty-four hours, he must tell the people that the
King is dead and make Princess Flavia the new ruler of Ruritania.
Chapter 6
A. Answer these questions.
1. Rassendyll’s writing is
different from the King’s. What reason does Rassendyll give? Why might this
difference be a problem for Marshal Strakencz?
. Rassendyll says it is because
of his injured finger. It might be a problem for Strakencz because people might
think the order from the King is not a real one.
2. What reason does
Rassendyll give Princess Flavia for leaving Strelsau? What does he ask her to
do if he doesn’t come back? . He tells her he is going to hunt a big animal
—Michael. He tells her she must become Queen if he doesn’t return.
3. Where do Rassendyll and his
men stay for their hunting trip? Where is it and who does it belong to?.
They stay in a country house called Tarlenheim. It belongs to a relative of
Fritz. It is on a hill on the opposite side of the town of Zenda from the castle.
4. What reason does Duke
Michael give for not visiting “King” Rassendyll or inviting him to his
castle?. He says that he and some servants have a serious sickness. (It is not
6. What happens to Bernenstein
while Fritz and Rassendyll are out?
. He is shot in the arm while he
is out in the woods.
10. What is the plan if they are
attacked? How will they kill the King and what will they do with the body?
. They will kill the King and
then put him into the pipe. The chains will keep the body under the water of
the moat. The guards can then go out the same pipe and swim across the moat to
. The Duke would look for him if
he were missing. They also hope they can trust him and get more information
from him.
. Read the quotations and answer
the questions.
1- “The writing’s a little
different from your usual. I hope people know it’s a real order from the King.”
1. Who says this to Rassendyll
(the King)?. Marshal Strakencz says this.
2. What does he think is the
reason that the handwriting is different? What is the real reason?
. He thinks it is different
because the King has injured hishand. The real reason is that Rassendyll is not
the real King.
3. Why is it important that the
handwriting be the same?
. So that people will know that
it is a real order from the King.
2- “So you’d prefer to hunt
animals than do your duties in the capital?”
1. Who says this to Rassendyll?
1. Princess Flavia.
2. When does the person say this?.
The day after the ball, when Rassendyll is saying goodbye to go to Zenda to
hunt Michael.
3. What “animal” is Rassendyll
going to hunt? . Duke Michael.
3- “If you do not know how to
address the King, my brother must find another messenger.”
1. Who does Rassendyll say this
to?. Rassendyll says this to Rupert Hentzau.
2. Where are they?. They are at
3. Why does he say this?. He says
this because Hentzu has addressed him as “Rassendyll”.
4-“Rassendyll, I think that this
time next year, you’ll still be King
1. Who says this?. Colonel Sapt.
2. What has he just heard? 2. He
has just heard the Duke’s plan for killing the King and hiding the body.
3. Why does he think Rassendyll
will still be King after a year?
. Because the Duke’s plan is very
clever and he will kill the King whether he is attacked by a small group or a
large one.
Chapter 7
A. Answer these questions.
1. Why do Rassendyll and the
others go to the castle at night?
.They want to see it so that they
can make plans to rescue the King.
2. Why does Rassendyll kill Max
.He is guarding the King’s
prison. Rassendyll kills him because this is a war for the
King’s life and Max is working
for the enemy.
3. Why do the seven gentlemen
go with Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz to the castle? What do they do? .They go to
protect the horses and the others in case the Duke’s men attack. They fight
with the Duke’s men (and three of them are killed).
4. Who gets killed in the fight
in the woods? Who gets away?
.Two of the Duke’s Six Men get
killed, Lauengram and Krafstein. Three of Rassendyll’s men get killed also.
Rupert Hentzau escapes.
6-assendyll meets Rupert the next
day while they are out riding. What plan does Rupert offer to Rassendyll?
. He offers to help him attack
the castle. But Sapt, Fritz, Michael and the King must all die. Then Rassendyll
can stay as King and Rupert will be given a reward (money).
7-Why is Antoinette de Mauban
being kept as a prisoner of the Duke?
.He discovered that she helped
Rassendyll in the summer house. He cannot trust her now.
8-Why does Rupert Hentzau swim
across the moat to go back to the mansion? Why doesn’t he use the drawbridge?
.The drawbridge has been pulled
up for the night. He is doing something secret, so he does not use the bridge.
. Read the quotations and answer
the questions.
1- “Go back to Strelsau and tell
the Ambassador what you know. I’ll look into this for you.”
1. Who does Rassendyll say this
to?. Rassendyll says this to the Chief of Police of Strelsau.
2. What is it that Rassendyll
will look into?. Rassendyll will look into the case of the missing Englishman
Mr Rassendyll.
3. Why doesn’t he want the Chief
of Police to investigate about the missing man?
.Because he might find out that
Rassendyll is pretending to be the King.
2- “I hear
there are new servants at the castle. Do these servants know the King’s a
prisoner there?”
1. Who says this to Johann? 1.
Rassendyll says it.
2. What does Johann answer? 2. He
answers that the servants do not know that the prisoner is the King.
3. Why is that important
?.Rassendyll wants to know if the servants will think he is the King (and obey
him or surrender to him when he attacks the castle).
3- “He makes me angry. I nearly
killed him myself last night. Think carefully about my plan.”
1. Who says this to Rassendyll?
1.Rupert Hentzu says this.
2. Who is the person talking
about? He is talking about Duke Michael.
3. What is the person’s
plan? . He will help Rassendyll attack
the castle. Hentzu will decide the time. But Sapt, Fritz, Michael and the real
King must all die. Then Rassendyll will remain King and
Hentzau will have a reward (and
Chapter 8
A. Answer these questions.
1. Where does Rassendyll wait for
it to be two o’clock?
.He waits by the drawbridge gate
next to the castle.
2-Why does Rassendyll kill De
Gautet with a sword and not with a gun?
. Because he doesn’t want to make
any noise and attract other people.
3-How does Rassendyll get the
keys to the King’s prison?
.He takes them from De Gautet’s
clothes after he kills him.
4-Why doesn’t the King fight
Detchard directly? How does he help Rassendyll?
.The King is weak from illness
and in chains. He can’t move much because of the chains. He helps Rassendyll by
pushing a chair into Detchard as he is fighting. (This makes him lose his
balance and fall over the doctor’s body. Then it is easy for Rassendyll to kill
5-Why does Rupert ride away
instead of fighting Rassendyll?
Fritz comes with a gun and Rupert knows he can’t fight both of them. (A gun can
kill from a distance. Fritz can kill Rupert from a distance before Rupert can
kill Rassendyll with a sword.)
6-How does the boy make a problem
for Sapt, Fritz and Rassendyll?. The boy runs out and says the King is behind
the tree, but Strakencz and the Princess think that the King is in the castle.
Sapt has a problem to explain this. He asks the Princess to come alone because
he doesn’t want Marshal Strakencz to
know about Rassendyll.
7-How does Rassendyll teach the
King how to be a real king?
.He takes his responsibilities as
King seriously and tries to run the country well. He
risks his own life to rescue the
King, could have remained King.
8-What does Rassendyll mean when
he writes “Nobody knew where Rupert had disappeared to, and the thought of the
man who had almost beaten me still makes my heart beat louder in my chest”?
.It means when he thinks of
Rupert he gets excited or angry. He wishes he could find him and fight him.
9-What does Rassendyll learn from
his adventures?
. He learns responsibility, how
to do the (morally) right thing.
. Read the quotations and answer
the questions.
1-“This woman’s been writing
secret letters to Rassendyll! She needs to be punished!”
1. Who says this to whom?. Rupert
Hentzu says this to Duke Michael.
2. Who is “this woman”? .“This
woman” is Antoinette de Mauban.
3. What is the speaker doing
while saying this?
.He is attacking Antoinette and
fighting with Duke Michael.
2- “Dead! That’s good. Then I’m
your leader now. Put down your weapons and do as I say.”
1. Who says this to whom? .Rupert
Hentzu says this to the Duke’s servants (standing near the door of the
2. Where is the speaker? .He is
standing on the drawbridge (between the mansion and castle).
3. Do the people obey him? What
.No, they don’t obey him. They
let Madame de Mauban try to shoot him.
3- “Why didn’t you follow my
plan? We could have worked well together.”
1. Who says this to whom?. Rupert
Hentzu says this to Rassendyll.
2. Where are they and what has
just happened?
.They are in the forest near the
castle. Rupert has killed the Duke; Rassendyll has killed
the others of the Six Men and
rescued the King.
3. What was the plan that wasn’t
.Rassendyll would attack when
Rupert said to. The King, the Duke, Sapt, and Fritz
would all die. Rassendyll would
remain the King and Hentzau would be rewarded.
4- “I hoped that tomorrow, you’d
come with me to Strelsau and tell everyone about the brave things that you’ve
done, but Sapt tells me that this isn’t possible.”
1. Who says this to whom? 1.The
(real) King says this to Rassendyll.
2. Where are they?. They are in a
bedroom in the mansion.
3. What do these words tell you
about the speaker’s character and the
speaker’s relationship with Sapt?
.The speaker perhaps does not have good judgment. He depends a lot on Sapt. He
needs Sapt to give him advice.
Practice Test ( 1 )
a) Answer the following questions :-
1- What is the setting (time and place) of The Prisoner
of Zenda?
* The setting
is Europe in the 1890s / late 19th century.
2- How old is Rudolf when the events of the story start?
* Rudolf is 29
years old.
3- According to Rose, how is Rudolf Rassendyll different
from his brother Robert?
* Rudolf is different because he does not take his duties
to society seriously. He doesn’t work.
4- Mention three skills that Rudolf Rassendyll has.
* He can speak
several languages (German, French, Spanish, and Italian), he can ride a horse
and he can fight with a sword.
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the
questions :-
" Why should I do anything? I have nearly enough
money to do
1- Who said this ?
* Rudolf Rassendyll said this.
2- To whom was it said?
* It was said
to Rose Rassendyll / his sister-in-law.
3- Do you agree that people who have a lot of money
should do
Explain your point of view.
* No, everyone should have something to do because work
makes man an important person.
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences
and correct it:
1- Rudolf Rassendyll told Rose he
was going to go walking in the West
Indies* Alps .
The King invited Rassendyll to stay with his family in Strelsau.* Johann.
Test Practice ( 2 )
A) Answer the following questions:-
1- Why wasn't Rassendyll as sick as the King was?
* He only ate
one cake so he ate less poison.
2- Why did Fritz and Sapt lock up Johann's mother with
the King?
* They locked
her up so that she wouldn’t tell Michael’s men that Rassendyll was pretending
to be the King at the coronation.
3- Why was Rassendyll afraid when he saw Antoinette de
on the
* He was
afraid that she would recognise him and say that he wasn’t the real King.
4- According to Flavia, how has Rassendyll (the King)
changed in his appearance?
* She says that
his face is thinner and he acts more serious.
B) Read the following quotation,
then answer the questions:-
" I heard that you rode through the old town alone.
That surprised me.
1- Who said this?
* Princess
Flavia said this.
2- To whom was it said? * It was said to
the Rassendyll / the pretend King.
3- Why did the people appreciate this action?
* It showed
the people that the King cared about them and trusted them.
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences
and correct it :-
1- The rich people who had always lived well would
support the Duke.* the King.
2- Sapt and Fritz believed that Rassendyll had
poisoned the King.* Duke Michael.
Test Practice ( 3 )
A) Answer the following questions :-
1- Why couldn't the Duke say anything about Rassendyll
though he knew
Rassendyll was not the King?
* He couldn’t
say anything because he would have to admit that he had kidnapped the real
2-How did Sapt explain Rassendyll's injured finger to
*Sapt told
Freyler that Rassendyll had caught his finger in a door.
3- Why was Rassendyll keen on getting the people of
to like him
more than they liked the Duke?
* He thought
that if there was a fight between him and the Duke, the people would support
him (the “King”).
4- Why couldn't the Duke ever become King unless he
married Flavia?
* The Duke’s
mother wasn’t royal, so by law/legally he couldn’t become King unless he
married Princess Flavia.
B) Read the following quotation,
then answer the questions:-
"You do know that Michael will be very angry. Is
that a good idea?"
1- Who said this?
* Princess
Flavia said this.
2- To whom was it
* It was said
to Rassendyll (the King).
3- What was it that would make Michael very
* Rassendyll
didn’t ask Michael to come into the room and he can’t enter without the King’s
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences
and correct it :-
1- Freyler was Sapt's farmer. * servant.
2- Rassendyll was worried when the French prince
asked him a question which he could not answer.* ambassador.
Practice Test ( 4 )
a) Answer the following questions:-
1- Rassendyll has never liked responsibilities. Now he
has many. What responsibilities does he have?
* He has to run the country and rescue the real King.
2- Why does Rassendyll become good at pretending he has
forgotten rules or people he has met?
* He has to do this so that people
will still think he is the real King.
3- Rassendyll tells the Princess that when he was
younger, he thought he didn't need to worry about society. Why does he say
* He is forgetting to pretend to be the King. He is thinking of his own
4- How does the Princess react to Rassendyll's recalling
that he thought he had no need to worry about society?
* She is surprised because he always knew he would be
King , so , he should expect to have responsibilities.
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the
questions :-
" It would be very useful for Michael if you
1- Who says this? * Colonel Sapt says this.
2- Why does the speaker say this?
* He is
explaining why he has men guarding Rassendyll everywhere he goes.
3- What game would be over if the person disappeared?
* The game is Rassendyll pretending to be
King. If he disappeared, Duke Michael would kill the real King and make himself
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences
and correct it :-
1- No one goes into the castle without Michael's or Sapt's
permission. * Rupert’s.
2- The letter from Antoinette tells the King to come to
the summer house with a friend. * alone.
Practice Test ( 5 )
a) Answer the following questions:-
1- What is the reason Rassendyll claims is the cause of
his handwriting being different from the King's?
* He claims
that his hand still hurts from his injury so he can't write as well as before.
2- " The thing I hunt is a very big animal ,"
Rassendyll explains. What is Rassendyll really hunting? * He is really
hunting Duke Michael.
3- To whom did the large, modern country house called
Tarlenheim belong?
* It belonged
to a relative of Fritz.
4- Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz took ten brave and strong
that they
trusted to hunt down Michael. What reason did they give to the gentlemen? * They told the gentlemen
that Duke Michael was holding a friend
of the King as a prisoner.
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the
"As you know, his mother was not royal and he can
only legally become King if he marries
the Princess."
1- Who said this? * Rassendyll
(pretending to be the King) said this.
2- To whom was it said? * It was said to Marshal Strakencz.
3- Who cannot become King unless he marries the Princess?
*Duke Michael /
The Duke of Strelsau cannot become King unless he marries the Princess.
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences
and correct it :-
1-The owner's wife at the inn thought that
Rassendyll was the King. * daughter.
2- Of the Six Men, four of them were Ruritanian. *
Practice Test (6)
A) Answer the following questions :-
1- What did Johann tell Rassendyll about the real King's
* He told him
the King was ill and weak.
2- Why does Rassendyll say he was forced to stab Max Holf
to death?
* It was war.
He had to do it to rescue the King.
3- What did the Chief of Police in Strelsau tell
Rassendyll (the King)
about what
they had learned about the real Rassendyll ?
* They had
found his bags at the train station and they thought he was travelling with Madame de Mauban.
4- Why was Michael keeping Madame de Mauban as a prisoner
in his castle?
* Because he
knew that she had warned Rassendyll at the summer house.
B) Read the following quotation,
then answer the questions:
“He’s not a good man. He makes me angry. I nearly killed him myself last night. Think carefully about my
1- Who said this? * Rupert Hentzu
said this.
2- To whom was it said? * This was said to Rassendyll.
3- What is the speaker's plan? * He will help
Rassendyll attack the castle. But Sapt, Fritz, the King and the Duke must die.
Rassendyll will remain King and Rupert will get a reward.
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences
and correct it:
1- Max Holf is Johanna’s uncle * brother.
2- Mr. Featherly from Paris believed Rudolph Rassendyll was travelling with Flavia.* Antoinette de
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Mr. Samir
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